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Helen B. Duffield Elementary School

Building Procedures


Forgotten Items 

The Main Office is often interrupted with children wanting to call home for forgotten items. Due to the frequency of this problem, it often causes enough of a disruption to prevent the office staff to be as productive as possible. Also, if a student forgets something at home, the item is more likely to be remembered if the child must do without the item for one day. Classroom teachers, band and orchestra teachers, special area teachers and club administrators will not be permitting students to make phone calls home for forgotten items. These items may include musical instruments, homework, lunch, etc. Lunch may be charged and paid for the following day. Of course, we will use our judgment for items that maybe necessary (e.g. eye glasses, lunches with special dietary needs, musical instrument on a concert performance day). We may also make exceptions based on the age of the child.


Late Arrival & Early Dismissal  

Regular attendance in elementary school sets up a good pattern for your child's entire school career.  Show him that school comes first by trying to keep days off for illness and family emergencies.  Also, schedule routine doctor and dentist appointments for after school and over breaks. 

Please have students arrive to school on time at 9:05. Any student who arrives after 9:15 must stop at the Main Office for a late pass in order to be admitted to class. Any child arriving at the Main Office after 9:15 AM will be marked tardy.

Please do not sign students out of school before 3:20 PM. The teachers are teaching until that time and should not be disrupted. If you must make a doctor’s appointment during school hours, a note must be sent with your child that morning so that your child will be sent to the office at the designated time. It is important to schedule appointments after school hours when at all possible so that students do not miss valuable learning time. Our “walkers” start walking towards the cafeteria for sign out at 3:25 PM. If you decide to pick up your child during the day, please report to the office and Miss Mary will call your child out of the classroom to meet you for dismissal. At that time, you will be asked to sign your child out. REMINDER: Always bring I.D.



If a student is absent, please call the Main Office at 467-6010, option #1. You can leave a voicemail message before or after school hours. If the Nurse calls for you to pick up a sick child, please stop in the Main Office and sign the student out before heading to the Nurse’s office.

Written Notes

All notes must be written on a large sheet of paper. Post-it note sized papers and other small slips of paper can be easily lost or misplaced, which could result in confusion for you, us and your child. You can fax us notes at 467-6326.


Notes should be sent for the following reasons:

  • Returning from an absence from school
  • Change in dismissal
    • Child being picked up by a different person
    • Child will ride a different bus home

Important Student Pick Up Information  

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the Duffield community for respecting the procedures that are in place. Though signing in, wearing badges, waiting for your children, etc. can be somewhat inconvenient procedures such as these are necessary so that we may provide the safest, most efficient environment possible for your children.


  • Students dropped off early or on time should be dropped in the drop off zone located on the sidewalk across from the cafeteria.
  • Cars are not permitted to wait or park in the drop off zone. Dropping off means: pull up to the curb, stop while your child gets out and pull away.
  • If you wish to stay with your child or walk them to the cafeteria, please find a parking spot in one of the 3 lots.
  • Entering the bus circle if a bus is present is prohibited.
  • The bus circle is one way traffic, turning around in the circle is prohibited.
  • Early drop of begins at 8:50. Students dropped off prior to 8:50 are at risk of standing unsupervised in all weather conditions.
  • If a student is dropped off after 9:15, he/she is considered late and will need to be escorted into the building by a parent/guardian.



School Lunch

Students may occasionally forget to bring meal money to school. To ensure that no student goes hungry, District Policy allows for a child to “charge” up to four regular meals. Snacks may not be charged to a negative balance account. A student who abuses this policy may be denied a meal.


Students may not “charge” their meal and then purchase a snack or additional entrée with what may be their lunch money. As of now, students with negative balances will not be allowed to purchase with cash, as well as charge, any a la carte items (additional entrees, snacks, bottled water, Snapple) until the negative balance on the student’s lunch account is paid.