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(Updated 7/2/24)

This webpage reviews the Connetquot High School Attendance Procedures and Grading System Policy.  This includes details explaining how a student can lose course credit if absent from classes more that 15% of the time.

NYS EDUCATION LAW requires every minor of compulsory age from 6-16 years of age shall attend school full time during the entire school year. It is the parent/guardian responsibility ensure their child attends school.

The Connetquot Central School District recognizes that regular school attendance is a major component of academic success (BOE Policy5100R) .  The attendance requirements for course credit (BOE Policy4710) was designed to ensure the success of every student and reduce the level of absences, tardiness, and early departures. It is imperative that all members of the school community (student, parent, and staff) are aware of this policy, its purpose, procedure, and consequences of non-compliance.  You can review BOE Policies on the District website by clicking on BOE dropdown menus and selecting District Policy Manual.

The Attendance Office in collaboration with grade level administration will monitor and address attendance issues.  Excessive lateness and excessive absences will be referred to a grade level assistant principal for review and intervention.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) can check student attendance by logging onto the eSchool Parent Portal through the link on our school district website.  (District website:

Attendance Procedures

Every student must check in with the attendance office upon late arrival to school or prior to an early departure. A pass for late arrivals and early departures will be provided to the student. Failure to comply will result in a disciplinary referral. If a pattern of poor attendance is recognized, the student may be required to obtain medical documentation for all absences to be labeled as excused.


Every student arriving into the building after 7:18 AM MUST SIGN IN by scanning their identification card either at the Main Entrance, Student Parking Lot Entrance or Attendance Office.

Upon late arrival the student must provide the Attendance Office with a note from a parent or parent phone call must be received prior to student arrival.  Parents must provide their child’s name, the date and reason for the lateness, and a contact phone number for verification. 

  • The attendance secretary will determine if the reason is “excused” or “unexcused” determined by the CCSD POLICY #5100-R.
  • When patterns of “unexcused” lateness to school are recognized, a disciplinary referral will be forwarded to the administration.
  • If an “unexcused” late results in missing an entire class period, it will be considered a class cut.
  • Failure to sign in with the Attendance Office upon late arrival may result in a disciplinary referral.

According to our Code of Conduct, any student arriving to school after 10:30 AM will be ineligible to participate in any extra-curricular activity for that day. Extracurricular refers to all music/drama productions, as well as athletics and clubs.


Every student leaving the school building prior to the end of their regularly scheduled school day, must go to the attendance office prior to leaving for a pass.

Students may provide a note from a parent indicating child’s name, date and time of dismissal, reason and contact phone number for verification.

Students who do not have driving privileges may only be picked up by a parent/guardian who must show proper ID upon entering the building.

In the event of an unforeseen early dismissal, a parent may call the Attendance Office, or may see the security officer at the front desk to request an early dismissal.

If a student leaves the school building without proper permission from the attendance office, they will receive a disciplinary referral.


Parents must call in full day absences and provide the attendance office with a note indicating the child’s name, date (s) and reasons for the absence and contact phone number for verification.


  • Last Name A through L—ext. 1098
  • Last Name M through Z—ext. 1099

If a full day absence is not verified by a parent within 24 hours, the absence will be considered an “unexcused absence.  A disciplinary referral will be forwarded to the administrator.

  • Students will not be penalized for attending music lesson, field trips, school athletic and academic competitions as well as assemblies.  Such absences will be identified accordingly in the student attendance record.

  • Absence from school on the day of any school activity automatically eliminates participation from afterschool activities, sports and evening activities. This includes dances, sports and other school activities.  (Any exception(s) requires administrative approval).

Questions regarding the high school attendance procedures and/or the loss of course credit practices should be directed to your grade level assistant principal.

Grading System Policy

Grading System Policy #4710

To be granted course credit, students must earn a passing grade in the course (70 or higher) and attend each class a minimum of 85% of the time.  (BOE Policy 4710)

  • FULL YEAR COURSE: Absences cannot exceed 27 days. Loss of Course Credit will occur on 28th absence
  • HALF YEAR COURSE: Absences cannot exceed 13 days.  This includes Physical Education.  Loss of course credit will occur on 14th absence.

absence due to school related activities: Students will not be penalized for attending music lesson, field trips, school athletic and academic competitions and assemblies.

What counts? 

Absence Excused (AE) and Absence Unexcused (AU)

All absences count!  A student should be present in class a minimum of 85% of the time.

  • Lateness to Class unless excused with a pass: Every 3 times a student is late to class, equals 1 absence. 
  • Lateness to class 20 minutes or greater will be considered a class absence, unless excused with a pass.
  • Absences for those with In-School Suspension, Out of School Suspension, Hospital Care or Home Instruction will not be included in the tally for loss of credit.

EXCUSED ABSENCES - ALEDs are defined as Absent, Late, Early Departure from class or school due to the following: 1) Illness, 2) Death in Family, 3) Religious Observance, 4) Required Court Appearance, 5) Doctor appointments with written verification from healthcare provider submitted to school, 6) College Visits - requires verification to be submitted to Attendance Office. (see BOE Policy5100R for more details)

UNEXCUSED ABSENCES - This includes, but is not limited to cutting class, vacations, undocumented college visits.  Teachers are not obligated to provide make-up class work for students with unexcused absences.

Truancy is when a student is absent from school without permission from a parent.  Students who are truant and/or absent for an “unexcused” reason, will receive a disciplinary referral and may be issued In-School Suspension.

Notification of Absences

Attendance notification letters will be mailed home several different times if excessive absences occur in a course.

Attendance Advisory Letter:

  • Full Year  = 14 Absences | Half Year  =  6 Absences

Attendance Warning Letter:

  • Full Year  = 21 Absences | Half Year  =  10 Absences

Loss of Credit Letter:

  • Full Year  = 28 Absences | Half Year  =  14 Absences

INTERVENTION PROCEDURES: Grade level administration will monitor student attendance and determine the level of actionable interventions that may include: referral to building level support staff (e.g. guidance counselors, social workers, Instruction Support Team, referral to Committee on Special Education).  Interventions will include student and/or parent meetings with grade level administration. 

DENIAL OF COURSE CREDIT APPEALS PROCESS: Based on extenuating circumstances parent(s)/student may file for an appeal using the Request for Appeal Form.  This form should be filed within 10 day of receiving a Loss of Course Credit letter.  Appeal hearings are held at the end of each semester.  The Credit Appeal Form is available in each grade level Assistant Principal Office.

IMPORTANT: Unexcused absences, cutting and frequent lateness to class are not circumstances that warrant granting an appeal.  Any absence after the student has lost credit may result in the dismissal of Loss of Credit Appeal.

SUMMER SCHOOL: Any student that is absent from a full year course 35 days or more and/or absent from a half-year or alternating course 18 days or more will not be eligible to attend summer school to repeat the course.

Where can I receive HELP?

If there are reasons why your child cannot attend school regularly please contact your child’s grade level administrator or guidance counselor to discuss the situation.  Phone: 631-244-2228, press 2 for Guidance or call the grade level Assistant Principal’s Office.

Lauren Neckin, Assistant Principal (Gr. 9)

Room 191     Phone Ext. 1080

Michelle D. Laux, Assistant Principal (Gr. 10)

 Room 234     Phone Ext. 1083

Joseph A. Modica, Assistant Principal (Gr. 11)

Room 229     Phone Ext. 1013

Mark D. Sidman, Assistant Principal (Gr.12)

Room 185     Phone Ext. 1046


Attendance Office Phone: 631-244-2228

  • Last Name A-L ext. 1098
  • Last Name M-Z ext. 1099