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Project Scope of Work

Edward J. Bosti Elementary School


  • Refurbishment of Library to create Media Center
    Convert existing library into a multi functional media center intended to expand students creativity where they can gain access to information and resources. The term used Is a "shared learning space". This will involve new furniture including flexible seating options, and shelving, ceiling and lighting replacement, replacement of existing flooring, the introduction of new A/C, electrical, demolition, technology a new circulation desk, finishes and carpentry. HVAC units will be located on second floor roof and ductwork will be extended down to first floor to provide cooling to the spaces. 

  • Casework Replacement
    The request was made to replace the existing cabinetry and storage cabinets in the existing art room. 

  • Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tile Abatement
    Replace all remaining asbestos floor tile and vinyl cove base. Bulk scrape all existing mastic. Furnish and install new vinyl composite tile, 6" rubber cove base. Proper floor prep prior to installing new flooring shall also be required. Work shall be completed in strict accordance with NYSDOL ICR 56.

  • Asphalt pavement and storm drainage
    The existing front bus loop is in need of full depth asphalt replacement and the installation of additional storm water drywells to address constant flooding during periods of heavy rains. Partial replacement of curbing and sidewalk will also be included in this project.

  • HVAC Reconstruction
    Replacement of existing pneumatic controls to DDC at multiple locations throughout the building. This work was not part of the 2014 capital projects.

  • ADA walkways
    Furnish and install new ADA sidewalks to all existing playground areas. Play areas at the East end of the site will receive a new 8'-0" wide sidewalk and the smaller area to the SW corner of the site will receive a new 5'-0" wide sidewalk.

  • Playgrounds
    The request was made to add to existing playground areas to include more structures which can be geared towards the physically challenged. These should include items for sensory development. Additionally replace the existing fibar with new rubberized surface.

  • HVAC Reconstruction
    Provide mechanical fresh air ventilation into student/staff occupied spaces which currently do not meet the requirements of the International Building Code and the NYS Manual of Planning Standards. There are currently 3 spaces on the second floor that do not meet this requirement. Additionally we are recommending the replacement of the remaining Nesbitt UV's that were not replaced as part of the 2014 capital project. Recently installed digital controls will be removed and reinstalled onto new UV's.

  • Replace Existing underground Electric Service
    Replace existing incoming Primary lines from street to existing pad mounted transformer. 

  • Loading Dock Reconstruction
    Due to the slope and configuration of the existing loading dock, off loading and deliveries are some what difficult to take place due to the lack of space in and around the area. The recommendation would be to remove the bumpers and railing, and infill the ramp area to bring the ramp up to grade. The railing will be replaced and new bollards will be installed.