Week of: February 17, 2025 - School Closed - Winter Recess Week of: February 24, 2025 Monday - B Day, Tuesday - A Day, Wednesday - B Day, Thursday - A Day, Friday B Day
Late Buses - Please see RMS website home page for link to late bus schedule. Baseball - 7th & 8th grade boys interested in trying for Baseball this year, please attend a pre-season meeting on Feb. 27th at 3:00 in the auditorium. Make sure you are cleared on Final Forms. TALENT SHOW - Do you have a hidden talent? Are you a performer? Do you like to sing, dance or play an instrument? Then come to the informational meeting for the RMS Talent Show on Wednesday, 2/26 at 2:45 in the band room. Hope to see you there! Tri M - General meeting 2/27 at 7:15 a.m. in the band room.