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Edward J. Bosti Elementary School

50 Bourne Boulevard
Bohemia, NY 11716-4999
Principal: Laura Kimball


Welcome To Edward J. Bosti Elementary School
The Bosti Community is a child centered environment that celebrates each student’s unique talents. Through a wide variety of learning opportunities, students will strive to reach their highest level of achievement in an atmosphere of mutual respect and responsibility. We aspire to develop compassionate life-long learners who will be our Leaders of Tomorrow. Rooted in Tradition Energized by Unity Inspired by Pride Our community accepts this, "The Bosti Challenge"


Character Education Mission Statement
The mission of the Edward J. Bosti Character Education Initiative is to empower all children in our community with the knowledge, skills, and aspirations needed for the development and practice of positive character traits throughout their lives.   



Current News

Happy Music and Art in Our Schools Month!

Edward J. Bosti Elementary students worked together to complete a beautiful sign for Music and Art in Our Schools Month.  thumbnail264734
Edward J. Bosti Elementary students worked together to complete a beautiful sign for Music and Art in Our Schools Month.  thumbnail264735
Edward J. Bosti Elementary students worked together to complete a beautiful sign for Music and Art in Our Schools Month.  thumbnail264736
Edward J. Bosti Elementary students worked together to complete a beautiful sign for Music and Art in Our Schools Month.  thumbnail264737

Edward J. Bosti Elementary students worked together to complete a beautiful sign for Music and Art in Our Schools Month. It's currently hanging in the school's main entrance!

The purpose of Music and Art in Our Schools Month is to increase awareness of the importance of music and fine arts education for all children. As we celebrate this month, we acknowledge the many benefits of high-quality music and art programs in our schools.


Date Added: 3/7/2025

Connetquot’s Digital Heroes

Teacher handing student a balloon. thumbnail264580

In celebration of Digital Learning Day on Feb. 27, Connetquot honored and recognized teachers around the district who are leading the way in utilizing and integrating digital tools, dubbing them “Digital Heroes”.

These educators have gone above and beyond to support their students and colleagues in navigating the digital learning landscape. Each building principal nominated one Digital Hero from their building who exemplified leadership, innovation and dedication to the integration of technology into the classroom. These educators not only use digital tools effectively but are also sources of inspiration and support for their colleagues.

Congratulations to Julia DeMaio (Idle Hour Elementary), Nicolette D’Ambrosio (Cherokee Street Elementary), Douglas Dos Santos (Oakdale-Bohemia Middle School), Alan Fertmann (Connetquot High School), Patricia Firenze (John Pearl Elementary), Ross Grandin (Connetquot High School), Jessica Grieve (Helen B. Duffield Elementary), Elizabeth Jonas (Edith L. Slocum Elementary), Christina Ladick (Sycamore Avenue Elementary), Lisa Manzo (Edward J. Bosti Elementary) and Debra Smith (Ronkonkoma Middle School) on being named Digital Heroes!

Each winner received a certificate of recognition and a free school subscription to Gemini for the remainder of the year, further supporting their efforts in digital learning.


Click here to view the Connetquot’s Digital Heroes slideshow.


Date Added: 3/3/2025


Bosti & Idle Hour Spanish Students Share Creative Projects

Bosti and Idle Hour students showing off Spanish projects. thumbnail264378
Edward J. Bosti and Idle Hour elementary school fifth graders are showing off their Spanish skills in Señor Bedell’s class. They created amazing photo projects to share what they like and don’t like doing—all in complete Spanish sentences!

Click here to view the Bosti & Idle Hour Spanish Students Share Creative Projects slideshow.


Date Added: 2/20/2025

Bosti’s Helping Hands Club sends heartfelt Valentines to patients in need

Students with Valentine's Day projects thumbnail264304

Students from the Helping Hands Club at Edward J. Bosti Elementary recently brought joy to the patients at Good Shepherd Hospice by creating heartfelt Valentine’s Day cards. The idea for this thoughtful gesture came from fifth grader Caitlyn Dunne, who recognized how much the patients would appreciate a kind note. Caitlyn’s mother, Jeanne, a social worker at the hospice, helped coordinate the students' efforts, making the project even more meaningful.

The Helping Hands Club, made up of third through fifth graders, meets every Thursday after school. In addition to managing Edward J. Bosti Elementary’s recycling center and donating the proceeds to various causes, the club organizes food and pet drives and supports the school’s PTA with different tasks. The mission of the club is to encourage students to think beyond themselves and make a positive impact on their community.

Click here to view the Bosti’s Helping Hands Club sends heartfelt Valentines to patients in need slideshow.

Date Added: 2/14/2025

Suffolk County Water Authority brings water education to Bosti

Students at Edward J. Bosti Elementary thumbnail263966

Students at Edward J. Bosti Elementary welcomed a representative from the Suffolk County Water Authority for an informative presentation on the water they use every single day.

During the presentation, students learned how water is sourced, the impact of pollution on water sources and how it is filtered out of our water. The presenter utilized a simulator, showcasing storage tanks, cesspools and wells, to help illustrate the water cycle.

Students also learned that the older the water, the fresher and cleaner it is! The presentation sparked thoughtful discussion about the importance of protecting our water resources for future generations.

Click here to view the Suffolk County Water Authority brings water education to Bosti slideshow.

Date Added: 1/31/2025