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Drama Club

Drama club will be selling tickets for their production of Alice In Wonderland in all lunch periods.  Tickets are $10.00.  You can also buy Candy-Grams for your friends for $1.00.


6th Grade Student Council

Attention 6th graders!  There will be a Student council meeting on Tuesday, February 11th in room 110 after school.


Blow -Up Battle

Don't forget to purchase your Blow-Up Battle tickets during your lunch period!  Tickets are $5.00.  Come support your favorite teachers as they compete against each other in a blow up costume!


Softball Winter Workout

The next Softball Winter Workout for all grade levels will be held at CHS on February 6, from 8-10 pm.


Homework Club

Homework Club will not meet this week.  Our next session will be next Wednesday, February 12th.