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7th & 8th Grade Craft Club

We will meet after school today in room 141.


Homework Club will not be meeting this Wednesday.


6th Grade Student Council

6th grade student council will be hosting a holiday movie on Wednesday, December 11th at 2:35 in the auditorium. Please bring permission slip and $5 admission fee to Ms. Razz as soon as possible.  


Community Service Club

Community Service Club is collecting new, unwrapped toys for the John Thiessen Children's Foundation .  Please place them in the box in the main lobby.


Attention all OBMS Students!

  We are still in need of your help!

We will be collecting dog and cat food, treats and supplies until Friday! Place all donations in the large gray bin in the lobby!

Thank you!


Spring Gymnastics

Any 7th or 8th grade girls interested in participating in Middle School Gymnastics this spring please come t a short interest meeting Thursday, December 12th in the cafeteria after school.


Computer Club

Computer Club will meet today after school in the library.