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Project Scope of Work
Connetquot High School
Exterior Masonry Reconstruction
Exterior masonry reconstruction including replacement of chimney cap, foundation repairs, pool wall repairs, recaulking at all expansion joints and misc. masonry repairs.
Window Replacement
The 2 story curtain wall which is located in the space that now serves as the 2 story guidance suite is a constant source of leaks. Several years ago the window wall system was retrofitted with new double hung windows within existing framing system. Additionally the original transoms were also left in place and covered with a cementitious board. There is a strong possibility that the weeping system has been compromised thus not allowing water to escape. During my site inspection, I noticed 1 clip angle had actually come loose from the concrete beam and on can assume this is a result of constant water infiltration.
Guidance Office Renovations
During our site visit at the HS, we toured the guidance office and reviewed some potential projects that should be completed both for overall comfort as well as some requests to make better use of the space. The overall HVAC system needs to upgraded/replaced. Several of the units within the individual offices are oversized for the spaces. There is a tremendous amount of condensation on the units due to the improper functioning of the units. A large centralized unit should be installed to address the main area with properly sized smaller units installed with fresh air in the offices. Reconfiguration of second floor office and conference spaces to create 5 offices and smaller computer work space. Open the glass curtain wall on the second floor and replace with an open air railing system. Relocate the exit door into the court yard to other side of space behind the chair lift. Create new office at space where existing door was relocated. Replace misc. first floor office furniture to create a more defined separation between office staff and students.
Locker Room Renovations
The old gym locker rooms have received upgrades over the years but the existing shower areas and adjacent drying areas have not been upgraded since the space was originally constructed. The work shall include replacement of showers, improved ventilation and exhaust, ceramic tile replacement and the creation of an ADA shower in each space.
Freight Elevator Installation
The building once housed a sidewalk style freight elevator for delivery of materials, including pool chemicals, into the basement. The elevator has been removed and the lift doors have weathered beyond repair. Currently staff carries chemicals down the stairs which has the potential to be a dangerous situation. Additionally the shaft now houses a duct which was installed at some date to perhaps improve ventilation. We recommend the installation of a new freight elevator including replacement of electrical wiring and freight doors. Additionally ventilation will be relocated into adjacent areaway
Loading Dock Reconstruction
Remove existing bumpers and railing. Install new foundation system and extend loading dock for easier access during deliveries. Install new safety railing and bumpers.
Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tile Abatement
Replace all remaining asbestos floor tile and vinyl cove base. Bulk scrape all existing mastic. Furnish and install new vinyl composite tile, 6" rubber cove base. Proper floor prep prior to installing new flooring shall also be required. Work shall be completed in strict accordance with NYSDOL ICR 56.
Refurbishment of Library to create Media Center
Convert existing library into a multi functional media center intended to expand students creativity where they can gain access to information and resources. The term used Is a "shared learning space". This will involve new furniture including flexible seating options, and shelving, ceiling and lighting replacement, replacement of existing flooring, electrical, demolition, technology a new circulation desk, finishes and carpentry. Open wall between the existing library and the computer lab with a glass partition which will improve line of site and allow for the spaces to feel larger than they are. Create dedicate OPAC station, charging stations, cafe type seating area with Pergo type flooring, monitors for announcements and expand the lounge area with modular seating. Replacement of carpet has been incorporated into this project. Creation of flexible teaching spaces shall also be incorporated into the project.
Auditorium Reconstruction
There has been much discussion regarding improvements that need to be made within the existing auditorium. The scope of work would include the complete replacement of the sound system, house and theatrical lighting, stage curtains and rigging, carpet, and a complete renovation to the ceiling and side walls to approve the acoustics within the space. The existing seats will be removed off site, stored and reinstalled. Upgrades to the electrical and lighting controls will also be addressed.
Music Classroom Renovations
The request was made to make improvements to several music rooms within the building. The general scope would be as follows - install carpeted risers on the band room floor. The existing risers are poured concrete and would not be easily removed as requested. Improve acoustics, replace ceiling and lighting and install mechanical cooling within the orchestra room. Enlarge size of music theory room by incorporating practice room and office into the classroom space. Incorporate a new practice room into the space across the hall from the music theory room. Existing wood risers in the music theory room would also be removed. Replace ceiling, lighting, VCT flooring and introduce cooling into the space.
Construction of a new field house
The request was made to install a new field house facility to house bathrooms and additional athletic storage equipment. This would allow for the elimination of the port a lavs which are currently on site. The new facility will house 6 toilet stalls for women and 4 urinals and 2 toilet stalls for men. The structure will have a separate septic system installed as part of the project. Electrical and plumbing lines will be run to the new building.
Synthetic Turf Fields
The request was made to remove the clay infileds at the varsity and JV baseball and softball fields. Install new sub-base, drainage system and new synthetic turf infields at all 4 locations.
Press Box Installation
The existing press box, based on visual inspection, appears to be undersized and therefore under utilized. Additionally the modified bleacher access to the press box does not meet the building code of NYS. We recommend removing the existing press box and associated footings. A new larger press box will be installed including new steel columns and foundations. The new press box platform (entrance into box) will align with the existing bleacher aisles. Two means of egress is required from both the press box and upper viewing platform and the new press box configuration will meet these requirements.
HVAC Reconstruction
There are several items related to HVAC work that we have completed in this scope. They can be handled all together in a large capital project, or can be addressed on a yearly budget. They are disconnect and remove existing, unused, fuel oil pump set and discard off site. Remove and legally dispose of existing cooling tower and related piping in the boiler room. Replace pneumatic valves and associated piping throughout pipe tunnels (+/- 28).
HVAC - UV Replacement
As part of the 2014 capital projects, the district under a partial DW unit ventilator replacement. To date there are still 25 original UV's located within the building and the request was made to replace these units. The recently installed controls can be removed and reinstalled onto the new units as part of this project. Units are both floor mounted and ceiling hung.
Replace Existing underground Electric Service
Replace existing incoming Primary lines from street to existing pad mounted transformer.
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